Friday, June 10, 2011


It is 2:27am.
I am restless and full of emotions that remain unnamed.
I must admit that this is not something new and continues to plague my inner being.

I must also touch on some instances that have occurred in the last couple of hours.
I will focus in on a topic that promises to set the captive free and make the all wrongs right.
Truth is many things to many different people in which most cases is a self-defeating statement.
But the one thing that I have just recently learned is that though the truth may hurt, it can also blossom forth compassion for others.

It seems as though the Lord is continually uprooting things deeply embedded in various chambers of my heart.
And as painful as it is, it is also liberating to feel the warmth of compassion in a place that has been hardened by hurt for so many years.
I am thankful, yet I am also helpless in heart, for I know nothing I say or do can change the mind or actions of any individual.
Prayer is powerful, and joining with family in prayer brings forth such a precious dynamic in the spiritual realm that stirs the deepest part of my spirit man.
I am blessed to be able to join in prayer with a grandfather and new grandmum who have a deep love for his children and grandchildren that will stay up to pray with me even if it is way past his or her bed time.
Thank You, Lord.

I know the Lord works all things for the good of those who love Him.
I also know the Lord hears the cries and longings of His children and will not pass over them.
Until I see fruit in this certain uprooting, I will continue to trust in the One who has known me even before the womb.
He is good no matter what the end result may be.

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