Thursday, January 12, 2012


In exactly 4 months from now i will receive a college degree.
If I am honest, I will admit to you that I am afraid and uncertain of the future.
Though the right answers linger through my head as to bring comfort, they still refuse to lighten the load that I bear.

I know in my head that Jesus will guide me and make way for me..
I know in my head that he has good things for me as is written through His word.
I just cannot get past the yucky feeling of how big the world is and how small I am and how Jesus could use someone like me to make a difference in this world. it. is. SCARY....

But I trust Him.

I also trust that He will bring special people to bring value to the journey He has set before me. I hope these individuals will be lively, charismatic, cheerful, and a breath of fresh air that refuse to bring judgement or preconceived notions. I need a change and I know God is bringing it. I am just afraid of what it is gonna be.