Saturday, June 18, 2011


Know Sovereignty.
Know the One who fulfills your destiny.
Know intimacy of the Intimate.
Know complete satisfaction.
These are treasures found in the heart of Christ.

Friday, June 10, 2011

a quote.

All men, at some point in time, have thought the same thought and felt the same emotion.
It is only those who are given eloquent words and proper order that leave this lasting legacy:
A quote.


It is 2:27am.
I am restless and full of emotions that remain unnamed.
I must admit that this is not something new and continues to plague my inner being.

I must also touch on some instances that have occurred in the last couple of hours.
I will focus in on a topic that promises to set the captive free and make the all wrongs right.
Truth is many things to many different people in which most cases is a self-defeating statement.
But the one thing that I have just recently learned is that though the truth may hurt, it can also blossom forth compassion for others.

It seems as though the Lord is continually uprooting things deeply embedded in various chambers of my heart.
And as painful as it is, it is also liberating to feel the warmth of compassion in a place that has been hardened by hurt for so many years.
I am thankful, yet I am also helpless in heart, for I know nothing I say or do can change the mind or actions of any individual.
Prayer is powerful, and joining with family in prayer brings forth such a precious dynamic in the spiritual realm that stirs the deepest part of my spirit man.
I am blessed to be able to join in prayer with a grandfather and new grandmum who have a deep love for his children and grandchildren that will stay up to pray with me even if it is way past his or her bed time.
Thank You, Lord.

I know the Lord works all things for the good of those who love Him.
I also know the Lord hears the cries and longings of His children and will not pass over them.
Until I see fruit in this certain uprooting, I will continue to trust in the One who has known me even before the womb.
He is good no matter what the end result may be.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

it's 4am..

For 3 nights now I have tossed and turned, pondering life and wondering how I reached the point in which there is no return.

I ponder the way in which I found my-self amongst people who enjoy bickering, chaos and who compose propostouros symphonies of abnormal and non-rhythmic snores.

And how dare one ask a question that is poised with any logic or reason.

It has most certainly been a very interesting three days.

Now, I sit in the lobby of surrounding horribly matched couches and a monsterous clock that reminds me time is passing, and I have yet to find the peace and rest that I so long for.

There are many things I don't understand in life, and some things I so desire to erase or undo as I delete a text message or a poorly composed thought.

As I replay the public incident that occurred on the four lane highway named Brookshire Freeway; there is one thing that continues to plague me and has foreshadowed much of my life thus far; and it is the shattered windshield that could have and should have fallen from its frame to cut me all to pieces.

Part of me wishes to play the blame game, but the deeper part of me refuses to and accepts that there is a greater picture at hand.

I continue to walk in faith, knowing there is an Almighty who holds my hand every step of the way, and who continues to protect me as I venture through the hardships and pains of life.

In a couple of hours from now, I will make way to visit with the Amish people of good ole' Ohio. I will enjoy various types of cheese, fuss with my mother, and hold back many words that most certainly will not display the love of Christ. I could wish these next two days away, but I am going to do my best to make the most of the time I have, and pray that the Lord will give me grace as I endure the resistance that stirs heavily within me.

Maybe there will be a handsome Amish man around the corner who will distract me from all these troubles. *wishful thinking*

Until tomorrow.
Blessings and Peace be with you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Things in life, both good and bad, often happen unexpectedly.
Though this statement seems do be a reoccurring theme in my life, I try to always look ahead.
I don't quite understand what has just happened nor do I really care to do so.
I must say, it is quite unfortunate, but I must keep moving forward.

I am afraid of the next couple of weeks ahead, and I am not quite sure how everything will pan out.
One thing I am certain of however, is that God never changes and in the midst of uncertainty I know He is certain of what must occur in my life to draw me closer to His heart.

I have learned that sometimes the truth is hard to hear.
I have learned that peoples perceptions of others is often distorted because bias
clouds what is truly underneath.
I have learned that not all families are rainbows and unicorns.
I have learned that Blue Moon and making music calm my nerves tremendously.
But the thing I have learned most in these past chaotic days is that things will work out in the end and divine opportunities will arise as long as I keep my eyes on the prize, which is to know the heart of my Father.

I desire peace, but it doesn't always come.
I desire stability, but it never comes in human form.
I desire to know how to change for the better, but I keep finding myself in some of the same patterns I was in years ago.
I desire to know Jesus Christ intimately. This never requires a but.

I am broken and I am in need of my Saviour who graciously picks me up from my deep dark pits on a daily basis.

Goodbye Colorado.
Goodbye NC.
Farewell college.

Hello Maui. Let's see what Jesus is up to next.