Sunday, January 23, 2011

Proclaiming versus Professing along with some Inviting/Challenging

My heart has been prompted with so many complexes amongst the church in this day and age.
Since my heart is full of them, I have chosen to blog about the things God has been showing me whether it be directly or through others.
First, I will speak of the things that are tearing and ripping the church away at its very core.

People of the church across the nations are proclaiming Jesus, and devoting their lives to causes and 'good works' instead of Jesus Christ himself.
We are called to be devoted to a Person not a cause. When we are devoted to the Person, He supernaturally enables and places us to the point of which we can change the world.
What does this deadly domino effect do exactly?
It is estimated that only 4% of college students attend church. We are considered the "y' generation, the builders, the ones who come and bring revolution to the church body.
The problematic issue that surrounds us college students is that we are surrounded by compromise within the church. This compromise leads to people being in positions which they have no right according to Scripture to be in, which ultimately leads to corruption. People are proclaiming and not professing the name of Jesus Christ. To proclaim is to merely to use verbal tactics to prove a point. To profess is to live a lifestyle according to the Master. This means we are living the life and not just talking it.

My heart is breaking for the countless individuals I have spoken with in the last couple of weeks.
Comments such as, "It's hard for me to live a life according to Christ when those who are preaching to me are doing the exact things that I do." or "I have had friends that would go and sleep with their boyfriends, get wasted, and get up and go to church the next day, then start the same pattern the next week."

Beloved, we are called to a Person. We are called to identify with the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who transforms and brings us to the Light. We must deal the sins that are causing this lethal demise of the body of Christ. He is calling us to the place to surrender so He can do in us the mighty works He has already foreseen. We are to surrender to the Creator of the universe so He can empower us with His Holy Spirit to accomplish His divine will in us.
We are made for something greater than ourselves, we are made for the One who conquered the grave and desires intimacy with us.

See, Christ desires to invite us into the Kingdom, and He will if we will allow Him to. But see, there is also a challenge awaiting us. It is one of sacrifice, surrender, and complete obedience. The Father knows we can't do it by ourselves, that is why He sent us the Holy Spirit who longs to dwell and consume us. Will we take that challenge? Will we join Christ and profess Him for all of our days. Will we go into our own 'Garden of Gethsemane" and give up our will to the Father so He may use us as He pleases? Beloved, I urge you to take this challenge. He is gently inviting you in with His soft whisper, and MIGHTY heart tug. Say yes to the wondrous invitation of Salvation; of complete surrender.

I will leave you with the one scripture and quote that prompted my heart for this discussion:
1 Corinthians 2:2- "For I am determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

" Our Lord said to Paul, in effect, "Your whole life is to be overpowered or subdued by Me; you are to have no end, no aim, and no purpose but Mine."" -Oswald

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