Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Return of Christ Jesus.

Though amusing yet haunting, there is a viral media and social uproar about the return of Christ Jesus. I am appalled at both extremes believers are taking on each spectrum.
On the right, one spectrum is promoting a certain date, while the other side is mocking and scoffing at the thought of Jesus returning soon. In all honesty, both sides are wrong, and it saddens me that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are so unappealing.

I am saddened because the fact of the matter is, Jesus will return. And like the apostle Paul, we should be in earnest expectation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. No individual is promised tomorrow, and we should live as Christ and our forefathers to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus and to be urgent in our lifestyles just as Christ and the apostles were.

For believers to be at such odds, is saddening, but rest assure that judgement begins in the house of the Lord and if it is difficult for the righteous to be saved, then how difficult will it be for the unbeliever.

My prayer is that believers will wake up. That we will not be distracted by the uproars and upheaval that surrounds us. My prayer is that we will fix our eyes upon the Lord Jesus who was and is to come , and that we will long and yearn to become one with our heavenly Father just as the Lord Jesus.

For those amongst the body who mock and scoff, shame on you. For those who proclaim a certain date, remember that only the Father knows and the Lord Jesus does not even know when He is expected to return.

With that being said, the Lord Jesus does say that we will know the season of which we can expect His return. Notice all the turmoil going around the world, and it is worsening. Notice the economic meltdown of America that awaits us. All of these happenings have been prophesied and know that if we do not repent and return to the heart of the Father it will worsen. Prayer changes God's mind. We see it in stories of the Bible. I hope that each spectrum will stop fooling around and get back to the heart of Christ. May we remember that these arguments and debates just distract us from the heart of God.

For those wallowing in these pointless debates... fix your gaze. Fix it upon the One who desires communion and intimacy with us. Put away all ungodliness and seek ye the heavenly things. Because what we do here does and will echo our eternity.

It is time to unite, body of Christ. Because whether we like it or not, Christ will and soon return. He will purify His bride and He will do whatever it takes to get us in right standing with Him.

May the love of the Lord Jesus cover you.
May He convict us and tune our hearts to the sound and beat of His own.
May our eyes be continually fixed on the One who is jealous for our affections.
But most of all, may we attain righteousness and mercy through His grace.

In Christ Jesus,

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