Saturday, October 9, 2010

New Season= Changes.

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1

God is reall big.

God is over the universe which means our minds cannot wrap around how infinite He is.

God is up to something. I am reall excited.

This week I have been humbled. I have watched the words of the Father sink deep into the hearts of eight individuals and I cannot be more thankful. I have seen the Father move in the lives of these people to the point of weeping. It is only the power of God that can bring forth such tears. The God of the universe is beckoning our hearts towards His and He wants to set us free. He wants to set us free from every dark place that separates us from Him. He will do it, but we have to let Him.

The enemy is doing everything in his power to separate us from our Heavenly Father. The enemy wants us to have an identity crisis. he wants us to be so lost in this world, that we come to a place of uncertainty of who God is. What a dangerous place to be.

The enemy wants us to put our identity in everything but Jesus Christ. he uses people, things, , approval, theology, religion, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc etc.... to separate us from Jesus Christ. When we find ourselves at this point, we have a deep crisis. Our identity is lost and we are certain of nothing. Our lives become unstable and we become people who change on an hourly basis for the worst.

But I am certain that if Christ is Lord over our lives and we have surrendered wholly to Him we can live in freedom. We are free from bondage and He throws all of the distractions that try to hinder us from Him to the pits of hell. Christ Jesus has come to set us free. He has come to give us true identity.

My heart's cry is for those who think they are okay, but are in need of an identity check. My heart cries out for those who are in deep bondage from the things of this world. My heart cries for the false teachers who are leading various lives astray. Every heart is in need of the only Redeemer, Jesus Christ. There is no man, no thing, no idol that can save us. Our lives are not transformed until we come to complete surrender to Jesus Christ. The world fades. People fade. People are distorted. Jesus Christ is the only certainty of the universe. My prayer is that He will heavily manifest in the hearts of the people on my campus. I pray that the Holy Spirit will reign over this place and bring people to His heart. There is going to be a mighty change on this campus. I feel it. I believe it. I expect it. The God of the universe is beckoning our hearts... will we take action?

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