It's been awhile since I have had that time to allow God to speak.
I haven't quietend my soul or my surroundings.
I have been going and going, but today I took time.
I believe God takes us through the fire to refine us.
I believe God will take us places that we necessarily do not want to go to make us and mold us into the creation He intends for us to be.
I have been struggling with this.
I want it easy. I don't want it to hurt. I want it to be comfortable.
When we are called by God, it takes trial after trial after trial to bring us to that humble place where He can and will rip away the flesh that holds us back from
As Christ walked on earth, He never ever had it easy. His heart was constantly breaking for humanity, He was continually being ridiculed, and He never went a day without being mauked for who He was.
When we choose to identify with Christ, we take on the same sufferings as our Saviour did. I choose to surrender and allow for all of these things to happen in my life so that I may be heard by my Father.
I ask You today to "sustain" my heart and make me "willing" to go through whatever to become who You want me to be. Forgive me for being selfish and wanting everything to be easy and comfortable. I know that You take us through hard times to refine us. Remind me of this daily so that I may be blameless before You. Father You know my brokeness, You know my shortcomings, You know me like no one else. I ask that You would break my heart for what breaks Yours, and I ask that You would put in me a new heart, a new perspective, and the conviction of things that grieves Your Holy Spirit.
I love You Father. I long to be with You and know You more. Thank You for sending Your Son to save me and set me free.
I ask all of these things in Your Son's most holy and precious name,
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