Sunday, May 9, 2010


These past three days have been the most beautiful days I have had in a long while.

Friday- I worked out. I had great Jesus time. I had the most exquisite Indian dish. I spent time with my Dad and Catherine. AND I saw Iron Man 2 which was a GREAT film.

Saturday- Relaxed. Went to an AMAZING church service, where I was deeply moved, bonded deeply with Jesus as well as Catherine. Was invited to lead worship for the Youth which was a huge answered prayer because I have been held back for several months now. [won't go into details]

Today- Relaxed. Went for a walk on a beautiful, scenic trail with my daddy. Had a WONDERFUL Iced Caramel Macchiato w/ soy. Got to express my love to the very special mothers God has placed in my life. AND found out bf is coming to see me in Colorado this weekend. :) <3

God has been doing some pretty awesome things in my life since I came to Colorado. He has answered so many prayers and I see His love shining in dark places here. He is prettyy awesome!

Abba Daddy,
I thank You so much for all the wonderful things You are doing in Steamboat. You are such a mighty God, and I am so glad I can thank You in the good times and the bad. I know You pour in only to have us poured out once again. So I ask You to begin pouring away into this thirsty spirit so that I may pour into others lives Daddy. I thank You for all the caring and nurturing mothers out there. Mothers play a dear and irreplaceable part in so many lives and I thank You for that. Thank You for your love and mercy You show to us daily. May we exhibit the same character as we fall more deeply in love with You. I love You soo much and again I thank You for everything.
All of these things I ask in Jesus' name.

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