There are often times I happen to listen in on conversations in coffee shops or in airports or restaurants or where-ever....
I hear many conversations that are based on God. Whether it be good or bad, religion wins majority rule in the topic of conversation whether people like it or not.
One statement that I am often dumbfounded by is well isn't amazing that "God needs me."
My inner reaction is Are. You. seriously. SERIOUS?
The thought that God needs us can be compared to Oprah's distorted thought on "God is jealous of us." ( This out of context statement is what apparently made her fall away from Christianity).
I am simply amazed by little lies that people can believe as truths. What amazes me even more is the fact that thousands of people are misled by little lies everyday.
Now it is time for some absolute facts.
#1: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always been in the PERFECT relationship with one another. Perfection is never in need of anything. Perfection needs nothing else in life because there is no void to fill. From perfection can only come want. The union of the Trinity is and will always be perfection. Nothing can come between it plain and simple.
#2: God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. God flooded the earth because of imperfection and depravity. If God truly needed humanity, why would he kill so many people?
#3: Why then? Why would God create us? Because He wanted to. God creates because of His character. He is love. He saw the creation was good. He wanted to exhibit is love to something, to someone. We were created because He wanted to create us. He wanted to love us. He wanted to display His character and His love toward us, not because He needs us by any means. How selfish and prideful have we become to think that the God of the universe needs us? Really?
#4: The ugly truth is that we are disgusting, depraved beings in need of a Saviour, and because God is perfect and His glory is beyond anything we could ever imagine He had to send Jesus. He had to send a human... to get on our level and yet still be perfect and blameless to pay the price for our disgusting and fallen nature. That is no where close to need. Perfection is not in need of us. He wants us. He chose us. He had/has a grandeur plan, and it is all about Jesus.
#6: We are so in need. We are desperate for a Saviour. We broken, distorted people are in great need for the God of this universe to make us whole. God does everything for His glory. We are made to bring glory to Him. We are made to be His yielded vessels, to be His faithful and humble servants. The word Christian can be also defined as Christ-like, or a little Christ. It is not about us. It is all about God and His Son. We are just broken, nasty, people who thankfully and humbly are able to receive the gift that God has freely given to each of us who take it. WOW.
#7: We are here not to bring glory to ourselves. Not to fulfill our own wishes and desires. We are here to lose our lives to gain life. We are here to live of a life like Jesus. We are here to rid ourselves of all worldly desires and to obtain the fullness of God through His Holy Spirit. May we know that He wants us because He chose us not because He needs us. May we know that our greatest need in life is Our heavenly Father who desires for each of us to encounter Him and His love.
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