Today was a very good day. Not only was the sun shining perfectly, but the temperature was very soothing to my soul.
I had a coffee date that went splendidly, and it really shed light on some current situations I am facing. The most wonderful thing I have learned about relationships is that one must take the time to get to know a person and make an effort to make things right.
Some people, on the other hand, have not a clue how to have a healthy relationship. They bounce from place to place, furnishing surfaced friendships, but are unable to establish one that has depth and true meaning. I have for so long tried to figure out what was the problem. Was it me? Was I doing something wrong? Nope. I look at my friendships and would have to say I have a lot of meaningful ones. The time I have invested in people and vice versa is what it takes to remain something meaningful.
Until a person learns that a relationship takes much time and effort, he or she will never be able to have an in depth relationship (friendship or intimate) with anyone. I also wonder if that kind of tendency reflects a relationship with Jesus? I mean God has infinite depth... and it is always our relationship with Him that reflects everything else we do in life.
I want depth. I do not desire anything that is surface; for how can I truly be a sister in Christ to my brothers and sisters if I do not form a friendship relationship that does not have depth. How can I carry his or her burdens as my own if I do not have depth? Relationships take effort, time, and commitment. We must not run from the ones we say we "care" about or desire "genuine friendship" from. It just is not possible. I have always wondered how I have carried a burden for almost a decade now with one in particular. But now I understand.. It is my desire to fulfill the call of God in loving my brothers and sisters at the depths of which I am commanded to do. I will continue to love. I will continue to do my part. I will never give up on loving until it hurts because that is what Christ does for me daily.
It's me again. How I desire to be made complete in You. You are my rock, my shield, and my Salvation, O Lord. How merciful and relentless You are for Your children's love. How despicable human beings we are; will You have mercy on this generation that is consumed with what pleases self, O God? Will make us a generation that produces a selfless faith that will go to any extreme to follow You? I plead with You Daddy. Please rise up the great Fire for this generation; a Fire that consumes this decaying world. Daddy, I ask that You would break the hearts that follow You; that You would humble us and give us the wisdom to know how to produce healthy relationships. May we be selfless enough to put forth time, effort, and commitment to those relationships , and may they glorify You in every single way , O Lord. I love You with all my heart and I am thankful for EVERYTHING, EVERY PERSON, EVERY SITUATION, You have ordained for my life.
You are the awesomest Daddy of this universe and I will never have enough of You.
I ask all of these things in Your Son's precious Holy name,
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