So today has been a beautiful day.
It has not been as productive as I would have liked it to be, but I did get to exercise which made me very happy.
Now let's get to the point.
I have been wanting to give up on something that I have been doing for the past three days now, and as I soon as I wanted to give up , I came across this scripture:
"“Is not this the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?” "Isaiah 58:6
Fasting is such a vital commandment in our walk in the Lord. It is difficult and requires much surrender to this flesh. We must go against everything that our body craves in order to satisfy the spirit that resides within the depths of our body.
When we fast we break free the chains of wickedness. We break chains. We break the Enemy's strongholds he has upon our lives and we experience a freedom that only Daddy can give. WOW!
I don't want to give up. I want to keep pressing on, and break the chains that the Enemy tries to hold me down with. "Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed."
I am free when I obey Daddy, and do not give into the flesh. I am free when a make a conscious effort to keep pressing on in this temporal place. I am free because the Son has set me free! Praise Daddy!
He is so good. The Jesus that lives inside of me has conquered the grave, and He is setting me free the more and more I draw nigh to Him in obedience to the things He asks of me. For it is when we disobey God, that we allow the chains to become heavy come upon our lives.
Please help me to keep pressing on these next 5 days. I can not do it alone, for it is only by your Holy Spirit and Your Truth that I can continue on. Help me to realize the things You ask of me are for my own good even though I can not see it in the present moment. Remind me daily , that the things you require for us are preparing us for an Eternity with You. You are so good, Daddy. You are mighty and Your love is everlasting. You are longing to set your Children free. May Your children study Your truth and cling to Your words for dear life. Your words are more precious than gold or anything that seems appealing to this world. I love You so much and I am so thankful that You keep me on track. What love is this, O Lord? None of us will ever be able to fathom the vastness of You, but let us continue to dive into the depths of Your heart, Jesus.
Again Daddy, I thank You for everything You have done for me. Thank You for sending Your precious Son to die for me and this world. We certainly do not deserve Your love, but thank You. May our hearts remain in gratitude for ALL You have done for us, and may we never grow weary in the race that leads to eternal life.
I ask all of these things in Jesus' name,
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
"Do not run, but overcome."
These words have been twirling around in my brain over and over again today.
Even though I know it is the Holy Spirit beckoning my heart to do the things I know I should do, I would much rather run.
I want to run... far, far away from here. I am growing weary of this experience and I am just tired of dealing with the things of this world.
Right now, I would rather be on a plane to Colorado, having coffee with my sister, than be in the same room with "a tree that seemed so "trusty", but alas it broke and it shattered into little loglets."
IneedYouDaddy. Reall bad.
Help me to endure these last two months. Give me the discernment and the wisdom in the paths that I will take this summer and next fall. You are a mighty God. You are the Alpha and Omega. You are my Rock , my Shield, but mostly You are my Salvation.
I know Your ears are attentive to the cries of You Children. May You hear my cry and plea, O God as I seek Your face in every aspect of my life. I need You now more than ever.
I love You.
Even though I know it is the Holy Spirit beckoning my heart to do the things I know I should do, I would much rather run.
I want to run... far, far away from here. I am growing weary of this experience and I am just tired of dealing with the things of this world.
Right now, I would rather be on a plane to Colorado, having coffee with my sister, than be in the same room with "a tree that seemed so "trusty", but alas it broke and it shattered into little loglets."
IneedYouDaddy. Reall bad.
Help me to endure these last two months. Give me the discernment and the wisdom in the paths that I will take this summer and next fall. You are a mighty God. You are the Alpha and Omega. You are my Rock , my Shield, but mostly You are my Salvation.
I know Your ears are attentive to the cries of You Children. May You hear my cry and plea, O God as I seek Your face in every aspect of my life. I need You now more than ever.
I love You.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sometimes.. things can get to us, and they need to.
"It is Well"... is the one song that can always pull my heart strings.
I really loveee that song.
I really love how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to set our souls free from all the chains that tend to weigh us down.
I serve a Mighty God; a God that can turn a sinner's heart to a heart of purity.
I serve a God who breaks the chains, and renews a weary heart.
That is my God. That is the God of this universe.
Daddy, You are so flippin' AWESOME! I love You!
"It is Well"... is the one song that can always pull my heart strings.
I really loveee that song.
I really love how the Holy Spirit works in our hearts to set our souls free from all the chains that tend to weigh us down.
I serve a Mighty God; a God that can turn a sinner's heart to a heart of purity.
I serve a God who breaks the chains, and renews a weary heart.
That is my God. That is the God of this universe.
Daddy, You are so flippin' AWESOME! I love You!
no comprehende...
Though I can not wrap my mind around the things that are currently taking place, I will press on.
God is mighty, and it is His love that gives us peace when we do not understand.
God is mighty, and it is His love that gives us peace when we do not understand.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Today was a very good day. Not only was the sun shining perfectly, but the temperature was very soothing to my soul.
I had a coffee date that went splendidly, and it really shed light on some current situations I am facing. The most wonderful thing I have learned about relationships is that one must take the time to get to know a person and make an effort to make things right.
Some people, on the other hand, have not a clue how to have a healthy relationship. They bounce from place to place, furnishing surfaced friendships, but are unable to establish one that has depth and true meaning. I have for so long tried to figure out what was the problem. Was it me? Was I doing something wrong? Nope. I look at my friendships and would have to say I have a lot of meaningful ones. The time I have invested in people and vice versa is what it takes to remain something meaningful.
Until a person learns that a relationship takes much time and effort, he or she will never be able to have an in depth relationship (friendship or intimate) with anyone. I also wonder if that kind of tendency reflects a relationship with Jesus? I mean God has infinite depth... and it is always our relationship with Him that reflects everything else we do in life.
I want depth. I do not desire anything that is surface; for how can I truly be a sister in Christ to my brothers and sisters if I do not form a friendship relationship that does not have depth. How can I carry his or her burdens as my own if I do not have depth? Relationships take effort, time, and commitment. We must not run from the ones we say we "care" about or desire "genuine friendship" from. It just is not possible. I have always wondered how I have carried a burden for almost a decade now with one in particular. But now I understand.. It is my desire to fulfill the call of God in loving my brothers and sisters at the depths of which I am commanded to do. I will continue to love. I will continue to do my part. I will never give up on loving until it hurts because that is what Christ does for me daily.
It's me again. How I desire to be made complete in You. You are my rock, my shield, and my Salvation, O Lord. How merciful and relentless You are for Your children's love. How despicable human beings we are; will You have mercy on this generation that is consumed with what pleases self, O God? Will make us a generation that produces a selfless faith that will go to any extreme to follow You? I plead with You Daddy. Please rise up the great Fire for this generation; a Fire that consumes this decaying world. Daddy, I ask that You would break the hearts that follow You; that You would humble us and give us the wisdom to know how to produce healthy relationships. May we be selfless enough to put forth time, effort, and commitment to those relationships , and may they glorify You in every single way , O Lord. I love You with all my heart and I am thankful for EVERYTHING, EVERY PERSON, EVERY SITUATION, You have ordained for my life.
You are the awesomest Daddy of this universe and I will never have enough of You.
I ask all of these things in Your Son's precious Holy name,
I had a coffee date that went splendidly, and it really shed light on some current situations I am facing. The most wonderful thing I have learned about relationships is that one must take the time to get to know a person and make an effort to make things right.
Some people, on the other hand, have not a clue how to have a healthy relationship. They bounce from place to place, furnishing surfaced friendships, but are unable to establish one that has depth and true meaning. I have for so long tried to figure out what was the problem. Was it me? Was I doing something wrong? Nope. I look at my friendships and would have to say I have a lot of meaningful ones. The time I have invested in people and vice versa is what it takes to remain something meaningful.
Until a person learns that a relationship takes much time and effort, he or she will never be able to have an in depth relationship (friendship or intimate) with anyone. I also wonder if that kind of tendency reflects a relationship with Jesus? I mean God has infinite depth... and it is always our relationship with Him that reflects everything else we do in life.
I want depth. I do not desire anything that is surface; for how can I truly be a sister in Christ to my brothers and sisters if I do not form a friendship relationship that does not have depth. How can I carry his or her burdens as my own if I do not have depth? Relationships take effort, time, and commitment. We must not run from the ones we say we "care" about or desire "genuine friendship" from. It just is not possible. I have always wondered how I have carried a burden for almost a decade now with one in particular. But now I understand.. It is my desire to fulfill the call of God in loving my brothers and sisters at the depths of which I am commanded to do. I will continue to love. I will continue to do my part. I will never give up on loving until it hurts because that is what Christ does for me daily.
It's me again. How I desire to be made complete in You. You are my rock, my shield, and my Salvation, O Lord. How merciful and relentless You are for Your children's love. How despicable human beings we are; will You have mercy on this generation that is consumed with what pleases self, O God? Will make us a generation that produces a selfless faith that will go to any extreme to follow You? I plead with You Daddy. Please rise up the great Fire for this generation; a Fire that consumes this decaying world. Daddy, I ask that You would break the hearts that follow You; that You would humble us and give us the wisdom to know how to produce healthy relationships. May we be selfless enough to put forth time, effort, and commitment to those relationships , and may they glorify You in every single way , O Lord. I love You with all my heart and I am thankful for EVERYTHING, EVERY PERSON, EVERY SITUATION, You have ordained for my life.
You are the awesomest Daddy of this universe and I will never have enough of You.
I ask all of these things in Your Son's precious Holy name,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Proverbs 8:13
"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. "
Proverbs 16:18:
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
Pride is one of the things that I have observed is a man's greatest downfall. To think of oneself better than another really makes me want to vomit. In my walk with Christ, the one thing that I continually pray for is a humble heart. Since high school, I have watched how pride rots away a person's internal being. It is a rotten thing, and it is something I despise. I pray that people who seek after the popularity of people and who think that the world is supposed to adore them, receive a reality check.
We are not put on earth to seek the favor of men, but to seek the favor of God. I have learned that seeking the favor of God is not always going to attract the world. In fact, it is something that is looked down upon in our culture. When we identify with Christ, we will be persecuted, we will be mocked, we will be the scum of the earth. To take up the cross of Christ is a difficult task, but it is well worth it.
I pray that you will fix in me a humble heart, and that you will give me patience to endure the hardship that comes along with it. I pray that in hardship, you will help me love the unlovable. I need Your grace, Daddy. I need You to help me see others as you see them. I pray for those who persecute Christians,Daddy. I pray that their hearts will be convicted by Your Holy Spirit and that they will be drawn to You. You are an awesome God, and I think You for dealing with us in unconditional love and mercy. Your name is greatly to be magnified and praised all of my days, Daddy. I love You!
In your Son's precious name.
"The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. "
Proverbs 16:18:
"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
Pride is one of the things that I have observed is a man's greatest downfall. To think of oneself better than another really makes me want to vomit. In my walk with Christ, the one thing that I continually pray for is a humble heart. Since high school, I have watched how pride rots away a person's internal being. It is a rotten thing, and it is something I despise. I pray that people who seek after the popularity of people and who think that the world is supposed to adore them, receive a reality check.
We are not put on earth to seek the favor of men, but to seek the favor of God. I have learned that seeking the favor of God is not always going to attract the world. In fact, it is something that is looked down upon in our culture. When we identify with Christ, we will be persecuted, we will be mocked, we will be the scum of the earth. To take up the cross of Christ is a difficult task, but it is well worth it.
I pray that you will fix in me a humble heart, and that you will give me patience to endure the hardship that comes along with it. I pray that in hardship, you will help me love the unlovable. I need Your grace, Daddy. I need You to help me see others as you see them. I pray for those who persecute Christians,Daddy. I pray that their hearts will be convicted by Your Holy Spirit and that they will be drawn to You. You are an awesome God, and I think You for dealing with us in unconditional love and mercy. Your name is greatly to be magnified and praised all of my days, Daddy. I love You!
In your Son's precious name.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Life is precious.
Today a man I use to work with had a heart-attack. He was only 39.
"Daughter, I will keep your family in the palm of My hands. Do not worry."
"Daughter, I will keep your family in the palm of My hands. Do not worry."
I have been in Colorado for two days now and I am enjoying every bit of it.
It is so beautiful and being with my family makes my heart sing.
As my father and I drove through the scenic view of Colorado, we sang old hymns, and rejoiced in the Lord for all the great things He has made. How great is thou art.
God is so creative. I love His art. I love breathing in the goodness of His air. He never ceases to amaze me. What an Almighty God we serve. I am so thankful that He has given me the opportunity to experience the various aspects of His creation.
Seeing the tinted mountains in such a pure blue makes me wonder what God was thinking as He began to create such wonderful things. Seeing this beauty allows me to see a new depth of His heart. God is so amazing. I honestly can not even fathom the emotions that are stirring in my heart and soul. All I know is that all of this beauty makes me fall in love with the Father so much more.
Thank you Daddy for EVERYTHING.
I love You.
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