Thursday, October 15, 2009

Early Morning Thoughts.

It's 1:33 am.

Thoughts cloud my mind as I try to figure out HOW I am going to get everything settled for next Friday.

I need T-shirts. I need musicians, artists, poets, singers. I need to somehow get a slideshow finished with the massive schedule I try to juggle in the midst of all this figuring.

I am not sleepy. I have had way too much coffee for one day. My heart is longing once again. It is my favourite time of the year, and I have yet to make a trip to see the beautiful, colorful leaves that flow from the trees.

I really need to build a cave. A cave that has a battery operated coffee maker, a prayer room, and a bed. Maybe I can find one when I go to the mountains, if I ever make it there.

I am frustrated. God has revealed to me all these things, and yet I am having to learn patience while I wait for them. No fun. I know He will bring them to pass in His good timing, but sometimes I don't like His timing even though I know all too well it is for the best.

Either way, God is good. He is my first love, and sometimes we become frustrated with those we love most.


Since I am having a mountain and teaching moment, this Bible verse seems legit.

“And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.”

- Micah 4:2

Abba Daddy,

It is late and I once again plague my mind with thoughts that should not even be considered. Forgive me. I need You. Teach me Your ways and take me to the mountain that leads me straight to You. I want to climb, I want to overcome, I want to be near you Father. I am weak and You are strong. Your heart is where mine belongs. Open up hearts, Daddy. Hearts that have been an enclosed tomb for way too long. They need You. Allow Your Holy Spirit to pierce those hearts, O God. Continue to pierce mine so it may flow for Your glory and Yours alone. Rid my heart of any pride, and humble me. I want to be like Your Son. Teach me Your ways, O Lord. Teach me Your ways.

I love You Daddy.
All of these things I ask in Your Son's most precious name.

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