Friday, June 5, 2009

One can never expect the unexpected....

So I started off my day with being late to work, a crappy cup of coffee, and a load of files to scan.

Though it started off to a rough start, it progressed as the day went on. I had a lovely lunch with my father at Arthur's, an awesome diet pepsi, and amusing co-workers who made my day brighter.

Well after that, I spoke with a friend who mentioned the tent revival on 421... I was like hmmm.. maybe I will join you. So after contemplating til the last minute (literally) I decided to go.
We walked in and this horrible feeling of uneasiness overcame me. (it only got worse) This "preacher" was bashing churches, taking Scripture out of context, and claiming to be a "prophet." Needless to say... we left before I threw a Bible with the correct contents in his face.

As the evening went on, I decided to take a long drive and find some food. I drove all around Dunn, Erwin, and Benson and just contemplated on life and such.... I went and saw Ty at McDonald's then made my way home...
When I finally decided to stay at home, I did what I always do.... check the myspace and facebook.
As I was texting some friends, I heard a knock on the door. I was like" OH, Tyrik must be coming to see me since we planned to go bowling." So I walked to the door, simutaneously opened the door and turned the light on and.... It def. was not Tyrik. It was this black man with all black on, stuttering, asking me things, trying to get into my house. I FREAAKKED.... (on the inside)

I quickly closed and locked the door, and franticly cried out for Dad to see what was going on. He quickly got some clothes on, got the gun, went out there, and started talking to this man.
I called the police... but hung up because I thought the Dadd had it under control. The police called me back and asked me what was going on... I explained...and they told me that the man I described matched the description of another call in for an armed robbery. I FREEAKKKEDD! (and cried)

I broke down... All of the "what if's" were running through my brain... Plus I had just watched the top 10 mysterious murders on WE.. (Did not make me feel better).
I called the cops and and they told me they had finally caught the man.... He ended up being a crack head who went door to door bumming money off people. Bad part... the man who committed the armed robbery is still out there.

What I learned from all of this.....
1) ALWAYS lock your doors.
2.) ALWAYS turn the light on and see who it is BEFORE you open the door.
3.) Keep MASE attached to the hip
4.)Don't freak out and call the police. STAY CALM (I surprisingly did a good job of this)
5.)Most importantly, pray to Jesus and pray in the Spirit to cast that evil -being away.

One can never expect the unexpected.....

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