Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Money ain't nothin but a thang"

I simply adore my friends. They reaffirm, encourage, stand close, but most of all lift me up when I am at my lowest point.

As a close friend and I were discussing the non-profit organization I am trying to establish, we were exchanging different ideas concerning funds. I love the phrase, " Just Do It." In lines that correlate with the Word of God, of course. =]

Well, as we were discussing he made the most sardonic yet truthful statement, "Money ain't nothing but a thang." When looking through God's eyes, money really isn't nuttin but a thang. I am convinced that if anything is for His glory and His glory alone, He shall have favor upon the divine destiny of that plan or idea. He is kind of God, and went it is God, His blessing and favors are endless.

It is up to us to do our part and have faith, completely trusting in Him. When we do this, I am quite certain that He will provide for our every need. He kinda states this promise in the Bible.

Matthew 6:25-34

I love my Saviour, He is Almighty and His abounding grace is never ending! Praise be to Abba, Daddy! ♥

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