Monday, September 28, 2009

O God of this Universe.

I love talking about Him, speaking to Him, praying to Him, worshipping Him, living this temporal life for an eternity that I will one day reside in.

It seems so difficult, but the God I serve has a polar opposite time table than I do. My months of waiting for my beloved is a millionth times a millionth of a second. (This is attempting to compare to God's time table, of course.) How can one fathom this Greatness. How can we be so selfish to act on what we think is good for us, when we only screw up the time we could have used for God's glory? I don't understand humanity. I don't understand me.

I want to bask in the presence of God. I want to be purified by the Consuming Fire, for such greatness is God and God alone.

Let Your love bloom beautifully in my heart. Let it bloom until the fragrance of its fruit is overflowing, O God of this universe.
I love you, Lord. I will wait patiently for you, O my Beloved. Let this patience grow with endurance and let is produce Your divine characteristics, O Beloved. I adore You. I adore You.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Beach it.

So I love how God turns His awesome word into life.
I love how everything in this life can be symbolic to God.
I love how the sea washes away our troubles, but really it is God who does it.
I love tanning.
Dancing is wonderful for the spirit.
Laughing is magnificent for the soul.
God is so good in every way possible.
His glory reigns. He is present everywhere.
I know He is soo much bigger than I am and will do greater things in this city and all around the world.

Praise be to God, forever and ever.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Isaiah 26:3-4

Though I struggle daily when this thing we call life, I find myself dwelling in the heart of this verse.

Lord, You are the only who gives peace. And you give peace to those whose eyes are CONTINUALLY set on You.

Lord, mine eyes look to the heavens , beyond the hills, beyond the sky, but to the heavens where mine eyes will stay. You are the Maker. You are Almighty. You are going to do great things.

And no illness, no macbook dropping, no overwhelming emotion will distract these eyes from the prize, which is You and You alone.

I love you Abba Daddy. You are my Rock.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Lord is My Rock.

The Lord is my Rock. I won't be afraid. I won't be afraid.

When all things seem to result in chaos, I will rest in the peace of God.

When life seems so uncertain, I will stand on His promises.

When I can't go much longer, He will come to my rescue.

My God is with me always. He is with me always.

Praise be to the Lord forever and ever.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

God is Faithful.

God is faithful. I am amazed by Him. He is my first and only true love. None can compare. I will praise His name til' my last breath. He is worthy and glorious. I love Him. I delight in Him and in Him alone. Holy is the Lord God Almighty.

Glory be to the Father forever and ever.

Peace and blessings,