Wake up, shower, get dressed, go to work.
I do this Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm and it never changes.
I am not one who fond of routine and I refuse to conform to such a thing when I have my own career. Spontaneous is much more exciting, fun, and of course unpredictable. :]
Five O clock was quickly approaching as I noticed this huge storm come in. I mean seriously it was huge; so huge that is knocked our electricity out. Well this unexpected storm altered the plans for my father and I. We were planning to leave for the beach right after work but that more than quickly changed.
As the storm lightened and I was given permission to leave, I made my way home. I approached the door when I noticed than the electricity was out. At first, I was like bummer, BUT then I noticed the peace and quiet of it so I decided to meditate and seek after the Lord's voice. Yes meditating... which means prayer for some of us :) Well, as I meditated the Holy Spirit quickened my heart towards the camp meeting that was going on. It was Youth Night and this amazing 16 year old , young man of God was speaking.
I decided to go and little did I know what unexpected brilliance would occur.
Let me back track for a minute.
God has called me to go to a school and this is a school that I have been particularly struggling with for well.... mainly one reason. I didn't want to go and although God has showed himself in the situation more than just a few times I insisted on more confirmation.
I have been overwhelmed with fear, doubt, "what-ifs", "buts", "whys", and a lot more of the common questionings that all of humanity presents to the Almighty.
Tonight was the night.
After an amazing sermon the young man gave an alter call. Yes , the beloved alter call which is even more brilliant and unpredictable when the Holy Spirit is loudly pounding at your heart to make your way down there. That person was most indeed me.
I went down and cried out unto the Lord with all that was within me. I have been praying for months and months now for God to give me some kind of dream , vision, WHAT-EVER to ever so clearly confirm my calling to this school.
Well He definitely gave me a dream alright.... through another young woman.
She came up to me and spoke one word and I automatically knew in my heart what she was there for. She spoke firmly, "God gave me a dream and I believe this dream is for you." (I was already sobbing like a little child)
"There was this girl and this girl was called to a university. She knew no one and she was very much afraid. When classes began one of her teachers gave her an evil assignment, to kill her opponent, but then this man stood up and he covered her , standing up in front of every battle she was to face. And the bullets flew he was shielding her, shielding her through the halls and through everywhere she went."
"God is your shield and you must trust that He is going to fight your battles for you." Do not be afraid."
That was all I needed and I finally had the exact confirmation that I needed. The brilliance of the anointing on His beloved. That He chooses you and I to me followers, messengers, lights, and so much more for Him.
Lord I thank you and I love You with all that I am! :]