Friday, July 31, 2009

The Brilliance of His Anointing.

So today was a typical day of routine.
Wake up, shower, get dressed, go to work.
I do this Monday-Friday 8am to 5pm and it never changes.
I am not one who fond of routine and I refuse to conform to such a thing when I have my own career. Spontaneous is much more exciting, fun, and of course unpredictable. :]

Five O clock was quickly approaching as I noticed this huge storm come in. I mean seriously it was huge; so huge that is knocked our electricity out. Well this unexpected storm altered the plans for my father and I. We were planning to leave for the beach right after work but that more than quickly changed.

As the storm lightened and I was given permission to leave, I made my way home. I approached the door when I noticed than the electricity was out. At first, I was like bummer, BUT then I noticed the peace and quiet of it so I decided to meditate and seek after the Lord's voice. Yes meditating... which means prayer for some of us :) Well, as I meditated the Holy Spirit quickened my heart towards the camp meeting that was going on. It was Youth Night and this amazing 16 year old , young man of God was speaking.

I decided to go and little did I know what unexpected brilliance would occur.

Let me back track for a minute.

God has called me to go to a school and this is a school that I have been particularly struggling with for well.... mainly one reason. I didn't want to go and although God has showed himself in the situation more than just a few times I insisted on more confirmation.

I have been overwhelmed with fear, doubt, "what-ifs", "buts", "whys", and a lot more of the common questionings that all of humanity presents to the Almighty.

Tonight was the night.

After an amazing sermon the young man gave an alter call. Yes , the beloved alter call which is even more brilliant and unpredictable when the Holy Spirit is loudly pounding at your heart to make your way down there. That person was most indeed me.

I went down and cried out unto the Lord with all that was within me. I have been praying for months and months now for God to give me some kind of dream , vision, WHAT-EVER to ever so clearly confirm my calling to this school.
Well He definitely gave me a dream alright.... through another young woman.

She came up to me and spoke one word and I automatically knew in my heart what she was there for. She spoke firmly, "God gave me a dream and I believe this dream is for you." (I was already sobbing like a little child)
"There was this girl and this girl was called to a university. She knew no one and she was very much afraid. When classes began one of her teachers gave her an evil assignment, to kill her opponent, but then this man stood up and he covered her , standing up in front of every battle she was to face. And the bullets flew he was shielding her, shielding her through the halls and through everywhere she went."
"God is your shield and you must trust that He is going to fight your battles for you." Do not be afraid."

That was all I needed and I finally had the exact confirmation that I needed. The brilliance of the anointing on His beloved. That He chooses you and I to me followers, messengers, lights, and so much more for Him.

Lord I thank you and I love You with all that I am! :]

Sunday, July 12, 2009



This morning started out as a wonderful morning. Sarah and I woke up to get ready for church. We do indeed love the church we go to so we always make sure we leave on time. So we got ready, left, picked up her boyfriend, got our coffees, then made it to church.

It was an excellent service today as always, but today's message was what I really needed to hear. The message was entitled "Your most valuable possession" which is our faith. I was very attentive throughout the service and God was really doing things in my heart. (More on this later)

Well after the service, we stopped at Jersey Mikes for subs then headed to Kyle's house. It was a lovely ride home until I witnessed something tragic. There was horrible jeep wreck and a baby laying on the side of the road. My heart sunk into my stomach... all I could think was.. I need to go there, I need to go there and I felt really led to be there.

Sarah got back the house , I got my car, and rushed back to the scene. That baby on the side of the road was covered in blood and her precious little lips were turning purple. I rushed over to her, laid my hands on her head, and started to pray in the Spirit. When I gained some composure I asked if they had called the ambulance... they were so frantic I couldn't get an answer so I did it myself. I told them to hurry but I know they were doing their best to get to the scence as soon as they could. An old man was doing CPR on the child but I really couldn't tell if it was helping.
So as I looked around I saw another baby girl... she was only 6 and she was still in the jeep. She was still alive but she was blowing bubbles of blood. I went over to talk to her and make sure she stayed awake. I prayed in the Spirit for her.. she couldn't move, her blonde curly cues were covered in blood, and her beautiful turquoise eyes were staring at me in desperation. She had four teeth missing from the hit, and it was all I could do to keep myself from breaking down. She cried out to me, " Please tell me Shalie isn't dead, Please tell me she isn't dead! " I told her everything was going to be okay and if she would allow me to pray with her, she said okay. So as I prayed she calmed down a bit and I know God was there in the midst.
I stayed with her until the paramedics arrived. As they were going for the jeep first I firmly suggested they get the little four year old first, and they did. They got the 6 year old and they rushed them to Duke.
I have never witnessed or been apart of anything like this in my life, but God taught me a lesson through it all. We must act in faith and when the Spirit is tugging at our hearts we must take action and not question it. Free will and stupidity of fallen men and women results in the death of innocent lives. We must never blame the Almighty for events that occur. I have learned this the hard way. And it takes spiritual maturity to realize we must never question God and that God , no matter what happens, He is always good.
I pray in faith for that four year olds recovery. Whether she lives or dies that is in the hands of the Father, but if she happens not to return to this world, I know that she is in the arms of the Father at this very moment.
KEEP THE FAITH IN THE MIDST OF EVERY SITUATION. It IS your most prized and valuable possession.



Friday, July 10, 2009

7 things he'll never tell you.....

So it has been a week or so now since I have had my macbook. I am still adjusting to it but I must say it is the ABSOLUTE BOMB DIGGITY. :) (so 90's but that's okay)

Anywhoo.... So as I was skyping with a dear friend face to face on video chat when we came upon a common topic that girls most always talk about... MEN.
So as we were conversing , SJ told me about a book she was reading and started to explain some of it. I was so intrigued by its thoughts I went out and bought it last night. I am already half-way finished. It is just that good.

I have really been enlightened on how simplistic men are and how we young women must respect this aspect of them. Our over analyzing really doesn't help us with the whole guy situation because our thoughts are miles ahead on a billion different topics while they are still gathering and processing that one topic three miles behind.
This book has definitely provided new perspective on how I view men. I am certain that my future relationship will save me a lot of pain that I have suffered in the past from previous loves. (Thank goodness! :] )

I am excited to see what other enlightening truths this book has for me. :)


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have been attending Manna Church for awhile now and it rocks!! I love the atmosphere, the community, and most of all how God rocks that place. On Wednesdays there is thing called the V2 Community; it is for young adults and each individual can choose from a wide variety of the small groups provided.

The first time I went I will admit was a bit uncomfortable, but tonight's group that a chose was AWESOME. I absolutely loved it. The vulnerability, the truths shared from open hearts, and the support system within.

Since I have returned from Jerusalem the world around me has been a constant battlefield. All of my friends are scattered throughout the US, and the ones I have here are always busy. It has been difficult to find a community to where I could share my deepest struggles and actually rely on someone to intercede for me.

Thankfully and praise be to the Lord Almighty I have found that community. The people were so welcoming and made me feel right at home. There was no stained glassed masquerade and the people wore their hearts on their sleeves. No front, no mask, just real people searching for healing and restoration of abusive pasts, hurts, failures, broken relationships, strained ones, confused ones, etcetera. God is good. He is amazing. And I know I can only move forward in ministry when I have dealt with all my skeletons, moved on, and ultimately let go of everything that has held me back from my Saviour.

I have learned that it is important to cry. God tells us it is better to weep than to laugh.... I believe it is healing for the soul. In the complete vulnerability of tears is where God can take our hearts and mold them to what He wants them to look like. Hearts that are completely His. Redeemed. Restored. Sharp. Beating to the drum of the Father's own magnificent heart. I am falling in Love again, in Love with the One who is Love. The Almighty Creator.

Why must we be so double-minded when the goodness of God is everywhere? Our hearts so quickly wander and stray yet the Father just waits. He waits for us with open arms. How gracious that Love is. I long to be with Him. Everything else fades when all of my being is longing for the Father.

I was talking to a beloved friend the other day and she told me to find the goodness of God in creation. It sounds really new age but it is most certainly a solemn truth. Do we stop and take in the sunset or ever notice how God paints a new one for us every evening. Do we go outside and smell the goodness of the earth (don't choose to be around a dumpster)? Or notice how unique the smallest insect is with its odd shapes and brilliant colors. The goodness of God is everywhere. We make a choice whether or not we enjoy it.

I want to be consistent in this Love. This overwhelming and passionate Love. Love that never fails. It never changes. Love only its Creator can give. How awesome a God we serve. He is good. He wants the best for us. He doesn't want us to hurt. And He doesn't want us to hurt His body, the church. The brothers and sisters must unite and live in harmony for it is only then Christ can come for His bride. I want Him to come. I long for my Saviour. To be at His feet for all eternity. To have an eternal Love in Paradise.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So it is now a little over a month until I make the "BIG MOVE" (transfer). I feel like the clock is racing and I can do nothing to stop it. My dreams intensify about it and my heart battles with God. This is a huge and quite frightening step for me even though I know God is always in control. I am excited to see what God is going to do with the womens ministry, but I have no clue where I stand on other terms with other situations.

I have thought of every way possible to avoid situations that I really do not want to face. But the gentle voice of God keeps stirring in my heart.. Do not run... Overcome. I do believe this is the most difficult thing I have had to take to action. It is hard. I am struggling and God knows my heart. I long to do His will but to face the reality of the " what ifs" is more than overwhelming.
I really have been working on the whole " over analytical" side of me, but sometimes it creeps up unexpectedly then goes in for its attack.

I know that things will work out for the best. For all things work for good if we love and obey the Father. I am keeping my eyes set on Him. On the mountains of adventure that lay ahead of me and at the same time attempt to enjoy my summer.

God is good. His grace is more than sufficient. He is control. He is love. He is merciful. And He is with me always.

Thank you, Lord.

Blessings and Peace.
